Exclusive Estates Australasia is a luxury real estate business initially based on high wealth overseas buyers/investors in the lifestyle/hospitality segment, throughout Australasia.
The Covid years have meant the concentration on local investors and the local market, which has been remarkably resilient. However now overseas enquiries are flowing once again.
In the coming weeks a compilation or shopping list for these enquiries will be produced. In the meantime a summary; Of most interest are profitable or at least paying their way lifestyle hospitality venues, particularly luxury estate properties.
Currently there is strong enquiry for properties within an hour and a half from international airports.
Always requested are hospitality developments with DA approvals, or at least in a council zone suitable for development. Some enquires are very precise like one at the moment for a luxury hospitality/lifestyle/ equestrian property and there are many more in this very tight market.
Exclusive Estates Australasia client base is entrepreneurial so always looking for buildings or properties with potential and particularly for overseas investors who fly in/ fly out, we have our Architect, Developer, Interior Design and Landscape Design Partners at the ready to provide invaluable expertise and excitement for any project.
In talking about the tight market, an example of the current high demand was this luxury estate /lifestyle/hospitality property in Port Douglas which was under contract within 10 days of release and settled within a few months for its overseas owners.

Although stressing that it is a tight market at the moment, probably due to many owners putting their lives on hold during the Covid period, there is exceptional opportunity, particularly if prepared to look outside the mainstream resort areas.
Here's a freehold lifestyle - luxury resort example, on the Island of Sumba a short flight from Bali. Exterior/interior design perfection right on the beach catering to an international market. This property falls into the category of being highly profitable with trained staff and existing management prepared to stay on if required.
It’s ‘Walk In Walk Out’ inclusive of motor vehicles for $4.4mil AUD. To find this standard of property in Australia, with an equal on beach location and being as profitable would see a price tag usually more than double.

With Covid travel restrictions diminishing and overseas buyer enquiry recommencing, it’s time to List and Sell!
Contact 0411 255 553
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